
Add support for synchronized lyrics, multiple languages, and retrieval by song ID

OpenSubsonic version: 1

OpenSubsonic extension name songLyrics (As returned by getOpenSubsonicExtensions)

Retrieves all structured lyrics from the server for a given song. The lyrics can come from embedded tags (SYLT/USLT), LRC file/text file, or any other external source.



Parameter Req. OpenS. Default Comment
id Yes Yes The track ID.



A subsonic-response element with a nested lyricsList

  "subsonic-response": {
    "status": "ok",
    "version": "1.16.1",
    "type": "AwesomeServerName",
    "serverVersion": "0.1.3 (tag)",
    "openSubsonic": true,
    "lyricsList": {
      "structuredLyrics": [
          "displayArtist": "Muse",
          "displayTitle": "Hysteria",
          "lang": "eng",
          "offset": -100,
          "synced": true,
          "line": [
              "start": 0,
              "value": "It's bugging me"
              "start": 2000,
              "value": "Grating me"
              "start": 3001,
              "value": "And twisting me around..."
          "displayArtist": "Muse",
          "displayTitle": "Hysteria",
          "lang": "und",
          "offset": 100,
          "synced": false,
          "line": [
              "value": "It's bugging me"
              "value": "Grating me"
              "value": "And twisting me around..."
<subsonic-response status="ok" version="1.16.1" type="AwesomeServerName" serverVersion="0.1.3 (tag)" openSubsonic="true">
    <structuredLyrics displayArtist="Muse" displayTitle="Hysteria" lang="en" offset="-100" synced="true">
      <line start="0">It's bugging me</line>
      <line start="2000">Grating me</line>
      <line start="3001">And twisting me around...</line>
    <structuredLyrics displayArtist="Muse" displayTitle="Hysteria" lang="en" offset="100" synced="false">
      <line>It's bugging me</line>
      <line>Grating me</line>
      <line>And twisting me around...</line>
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
lyricsList lyricsList Yes Yes List of structured lyrics
Last modified November 30, 2023: songLyrics extension (#62) (9e9b3df)