
Downloads a given media file.

http://your-server/rest/hls.m3u8 Since 1.8.0

Creates an HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) playlist used for streaming video or audio. HLS is a streaming protocol implemented by Apple and works by breaking the overall stream into a sequence of small HTTP-based file downloads. It’s supported by iOS and newer versions of Android. This method also supports adaptive bitrate streaming, see the bitRate parameter.


Parameter Req. OpenS. Default Comment
id Yes A string which uniquely identifies the media file to stream.
bitRate No If specified, the server will attempt to limit the bitrate to this value, in kilobits per second. If this parameter is specified more than once, the server will create a variant playlist, suitable for adaptive bitrate streaming. The playlist will support streaming at all the specified bitrates. The server will automatically choose video dimensions that are suitable for the given bitrates. Since 1.9.0 you may explicitly request a certain width (480) and height (360) like so: bitRate=1000@480x360
audioTrack No The ID of the audio track to use. SeegetVideoInfo for how to get the list of available audio tracks for a video.



Returns an M3U8 playlist on success (content type “application/vnd.apple.mpegurl”), or an XML document on error (in which case the HTTP content type will start with “text/xml”).

Last modified March 31, 2023: Remove "Reference" level (0e00cdd)