
Saves the state of the play queue for this user.

http://your-server/rest/savePlayQueue Since 1.12.0

Saves the state of the play queue for this user. This includes the tracks in the play queue, the currently playing track, and the position within this track. Typically used to allow a user to move between different clients/apps while retaining the same play queue (for instance when listening to an audio book).


Parameter Req. OpenS. Default Comment
id Yes ID of a song in the play queue. Use one id parameter for each song in the play queue.
current No The ID of the current playing song.
position No The position in milliseconds within the currently playing song.



An empty subsonic-response element on success.

  "subsonic-response": {
    "status": "ok",
    "version": "1.16.1",
    "type": "AwesomeServerName",
    "serverVersion": "0.1.3 (tag)",
    "openSubsonic": true
  "subsonic-response": {
    "status": "ok",
    "version": "1.16.1"
Last modified April 8, 2023: Simplify OpenSubsonic API (#30) (616a145)