
Updates the description and/or expiration date for an existing share.

http://your-server/rest/updateShare Since 1.6.0

Updates the description and/or expiration date for an existing share.


Parameter Req. OpenS. Default Comment
id Yes ID of the share to update.
description No A user-defined description that will be displayed to people visiting the shared media.
expires No The time at which the share expires. Given as milliseconds since 1970, or zero to remove the expiration.



An empty subsonic-response element on success.

  "subsonic-response": {
    "status": "ok",
    "version": "1.16.1",
    "type": "AwesomeServerName",
    "serverVersion": "0.1.3 (tag)",
    "openSubsonic": true
  "subsonic-response": {
    "status": "ok",
    "version": "1.16.1"
Last modified April 8, 2023: Simplify OpenSubsonic API (#30) (616a145)