1 - AlbumID3

An album from ID3 tags.
    "id": "ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35",
    "name": "8-bit lagerfeuer",
    "artist": "pornophonique",
    "year": 2007,
    "coverArt": "al-ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35_640a93a8",
    "starred": "2023-03-22T01:51:06Z",
    "duration": 1954,
    "playCount": 97,
    "genre": "Hip-Hop",
    "created": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
    "artistId": "91c3901ac465b9efc439e4be4270c2b6",
    "songCount": 8,
    "played": "2023-03-28T00:45:13Z",
    "userRating": 4,
    "recordLabels": [
            "name": "Sony"
    "musicBrainzId": "189002e7-3285-4e2e-92a3-7f6c30d407a2",
    "genres": [
            "name": "Hip-Hop"
            "name": "East coast"
    "artists": [
            "id": "ar-1",
            "name": "Artist 1"
            "id": "ar-2",
            "name": "Artist 2"
    "displayArtist": "Artist 1 feat. Artist 2",
    "releaseTypes": [
    "moods": [
    "sortName": "lagerfeuer (8-bit)",
    "originalReleaseDate": {
        "year": 2001,
        "month": 3,
        "day": 10
    "releaseDate": {
        "year": 2001,
        "month": 3,
        "day": 10
    "isCompilation": false,
    "explicitStatus": "explicit",
    "discTitles": [
            "disc": 0,
            "title": "Disc 0 title"
            "disc": 2,
            "title": "Disc 1 title"
  "id": "ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35",
  "name": "8-bit lagerfeuer",
  "artist": "pornophonique",
  "year": 2007,
  "coverArt": "al-ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35_640a93a8",
  "starred": "2023-03-22T01:51:06Z",
  "duration": 1954,
  "playCount": 97,
  "genre": "Hip-Hop",
  "created": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
  "artistId": "91c3901ac465b9efc439e4be4270c2b6",
  "songCount": 8
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes The id of the album
name string Yes The album name.
artist string No Artist name.
artistId string No The id of the artist
coverArt string No A covertArt id.
songCount int Yes Number of songs
duration int Yes Total duration of the album in seconds
playCount long No Number of play of the album
created string Yes Date the album was added. [ISO 8601]
starred string No Date the album was starred. [ISO 8601]
year int No The album year
genre string No The album genre
played string No Yes Date the album was last played. [ISO 8601]
userRating int No Yes The user rating of the album. [1-5]
recordLabels Array of RecordLabel No Yes The labels producing the album.
musicBrainzId string No Yes The album MusicBrainzID.
genres Array of ItemGenre No Yes The list of all genres of the album.
artists Array of ArtistID3 No Yes The list of all album artists of the album. (Note: Only the required ArtistID3 fields should be returned by default)
displayArtist string No Yes The single value display artist.
releaseTypes Array of string No Yes The types of this album release. (Album, Compilation, EP, Remix, …).
moods Array of string No Yes The list of all moods of the album.
sortName string No Yes The album sort name.
originalReleaseDate ItemDate No Yes Date the album was originally released.
releaseDate ItemDate No Yes Date the specific edition of the album was released. Note: for files using ID3 tags, releaseDate should generally be read from the TDRL tag. Servers that use a different source for this field should document the behavior.
isCompilation boolean No Yes True if the album is a compilation.
explicitStatus string No Yes Returns “explicit” if at least one song is explicit, “clean” if no song is explicit and at least one is “clean” else “”.
discTitles Array of DiscTitle No Yes The list of all disc titles of the album.

2 - AlbumID3WithSongs

Album with songs.
  "id": "ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35",
  "name": "8-bit lagerfeuer",
  "artist": "pornophonique",
  "year": 2007,
  "coverArt": "al-ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35_640a93a8",
  "starred": "2023-03-22T01:51:06Z",
  "duration": 1954,
  "playCount": 97,
  "genre": "Hip-Hop",
  "created": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
  "artistId": "91c3901ac465b9efc439e4be4270c2b6",
  "songCount": 8,
  "played": "2023-03-28T00:45:13Z",
  "userRating": 4,
  "recordLabels": [
      "name": "Sony"
  "musicBrainzId": "189002e7-3285-4e2e-92a3-7f6c30d407a2",
  "genres": [
      "name": "Hip-Hop"
      "name": "East coast"
  "artists": [
      "id": "ar-1",
      "name": "Artist 1"
      "id": "ar-2",
      "name": "Artist 2"
  "displayArtist": "Artist 1 feat. Artist 2",
  "releaseTypes": [
  "moods": [
  "sortName": "lagerfeuer (8-bit)",
  "originalReleaseDate": {
    "year": 2001,
    "month": 3,
    "day": 10
  "releaseDate": {
    "year": 2001,
    "month": 3,
    "day": 10
  "isCompilation": false,
  "explicitStatus": "explicit",
  "discTitles": [
      "disc": 0,
      "title": "Disc 0 title"
      "disc": 2,
      "title": "Disc 1 title"
  "song": [
      "id": "300000116",
      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Can I Help U?",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "300000116",
      "duration": 103,
      "bitRate": 216,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "explicitStatus": "explicit",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
      "id": "300000121",
      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Planetary Picknick",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "300000121",
      "duration": 358,
      "bitRate": 238,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 2,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 10715592,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "explicitStatus": "clean",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/2 - Planetary Picknick.mp3"
  "id": "200000021",
  "parent": "100000036",
  "album": "Forget and Remember",
  "title": "Forget and Remember",
  "name": "Forget and Remember",
  "isDir": true,
  "coverArt": "al-200000021",
  "songCount": 20,
  "created": "2021-07-22T02:09:31+00:00",
  "duration": 4248,
  "playCount": 0,
  "artistId": "100000036",
  "artist": "Comfort Fit",
  "year": 2005,
  "genre": "Hip-Hop",
  "song": [
      "id": "300000116",
      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Can I Help U?",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "300000116",
      "duration": 103,
      "bitRate": 216,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
      "id": "300000121",
      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Planetary Picknick",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "300000121",
      "duration": 358,
      "bitRate": 238,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 2,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 10715592,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/2 - Planetary Picknick.mp3"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes The id of the album
name string Yes The album name.
artist string No Artist name.
artistId string No The id of the artist
coverArt string No A covertArt id.
songCount int Yes Number of songs
duration int Yes Total duration of the album in seconds
playCount long No Number of play of the album
created string Yes Date the album was added. [ISO 8601]
starred string No Date the album was starred. [ISO 8601]
year int No The album year
genre string No The album genre
played string No Yes Date the album was last played. [ISO 8601]
userRating int No Yes The user rating of the album. [1-5]
recordLabels Array of RecordLabel No Yes The labels producing the album.
musicBrainzId string No Yes The album MusicBrainzID.
genres Array of ItemGenre No Yes The list of all genres of the album.
artists Array of ArtistID3 No Yes The list of all album artists of the album.
displayArtist string No Yes The single value display artist.
releaseTypes Array of string No Yes The types of this album release. (Album, Compilation, EP, Remix, …).
moods Array of string No Yes The list of all moods of the album.
sortName string No Yes The album sort name.
originalReleaseDate ItemDate No Yes Date the album was originally released.
releaseDate ItemDate No Yes Date the specific edition of the album was released. Note: for files using ID3 tags, releaseDate should generally be read from the TDRL tag. Servers that use a different source for this field should document the behavior.
isCompilation boolean No Yes True if the album is a compilation.
explicitStatus string No Yes Returns “explicit” if at least one song is explicit, “clean” if no song is explicit and at least one is “clean” else “”.
discTitles Array of DiscTitle No Yes The list of all disc titles of the album.
song Array of Child No The list of songs

3 - albumInfo

Album info.
  "notes": "Download the full release here (creative commons). These cripsy beats are ripe with thumping funk and techno influences, sample wizardry and daring shuffles. Composed with the help of unique sound plugins which were especially programmed to measure Comfort Fit’s needs and wishes, we think the chances aren’t bad that you’ll fall for the unique sound signature, bounce and elegance of this unusual Hip Hop production. Ltj bukem / Good looking Rec., UK: \"Really love this music.\" Velanche / XLR8R, UK: \"Awesome job he's done... overall production is dope.\" Kwesi / BBE Music, UK: \"Wooooooowwwww... WHAT THE FUCK! THIS IS WHAT",
  "musicBrainzId": "6e1d48f7-717c-416e-af35-5d2454a13af2",
  "smallImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/0f8c3cbd6b0b22c3b5402141351ac812/album/21/thumb34.jpg",
  "mediumImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/41b16680dc1b3aaf5dfba24ddb6a1712/album/21/thumb64.jpg",
  "largeImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/e6fd8d4e0d35c4436e56991892bfb27b/album/21/thumb174.jpg"
  "notes": "Download the full release here (creative commons). These cripsy beats are ripe with thumping funk and techno influences, sample wizardry and daring shuffles. Composed with the help of unique sound plugins which were especially programmed to measure Comfort Fit’s needs and wishes, we think the chances aren’t bad that you’ll fall for the unique sound signature, bounce and elegance of this unusual Hip Hop production. Ltj bukem / Good looking Rec., UK: \"Really love this music.\" Velanche / XLR8R, UK: \"Awesome job he's done... overall production is dope.\" Kwesi / BBE Music, UK: \"Wooooooowwwww... WHAT THE FUCK! THIS IS WHAT",
  "musicBrainzId": "6e1d48f7-717c-416e-af35-5d2454a13af2",
  "smallImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/0f8c3cbd6b0b22c3b5402141351ac812/album/21/thumb34.jpg",
  "mediumImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/41b16680dc1b3aaf5dfba24ddb6a1712/album/21/thumb64.jpg",
  "largeImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/e6fd8d4e0d35c4436e56991892bfb27b/album/21/thumb174.jpg"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
notes string No Album notes
musicBrainzId string No Album musicBrainzId
lastFmUrl string No Album lastFmUrl
smallImageUrl string No Album smallImageUrl
mediumImageUrl string No Album mediumImageUrl
largeImageUrl string No Album largeImageUrl

4 - albumList

Album list.
  "album": [
      "id": "200000021",
      "parent": "100000036",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "title": "Forget and Remember",
      "name": "Forget and Remember",
      "isDir": true,
      "coverArt": "al-200000021",
      "created": "2021-07-22T02:09:31+00:00",
      "duration": 4248,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop"
      "id": "200000012",
      "parent": "100000019",
      "album": "Buried in Nausea",
      "title": "Buried in Nausea",
      "name": "Buried in Nausea",
      "isDir": true,
      "coverArt": "al-200000012",
      "created": "2021-02-24T01:44:21+00:00",
      "duration": 1879,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000019",
      "artist": "Various Artists",
      "year": 2012,
      "genre": "Punk"
  "album": [
      "id": "200000021",
      "parent": "100000036",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "title": "Forget and Remember",
      "name": "Forget and Remember",
      "isDir": true,
      "coverArt": "al-200000021",
      "created": "2021-07-22T02:09:31+00:00",
      "duration": 4248,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop"
      "id": "200000012",
      "parent": "100000019",
      "album": "Buried in Nausea",
      "title": "Buried in Nausea",
      "name": "Buried in Nausea",
      "isDir": true,
      "coverArt": "al-200000012",
      "created": "2021-02-24T01:44:21+00:00",
      "duration": 1879,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000019",
      "artist": "Various Artists",
      "year": 2012,
      "genre": "Punk"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
album Array of Child No Artist albums

5 - albumList2

Album list.
  "album": [
      "id": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "title": "Forget and Remember",
      "name": "Forget and Remember",
      "coverArt": "al-200000021",
      "songCount": 20,
      "created": "2021-07-22T02:09:31+00:00",
      "duration": 4248,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop"
      "id": "200000012",
      "album": "Buried in Nausea",
      "title": "Buried in Nausea",
      "name": "Buried in Nausea",
      "coverArt": "al-200000012",
      "songCount": 9,
      "created": "2021-02-24T01:44:21+00:00",
      "duration": 1879,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000019",
      "artist": "Various Artists",
      "year": 2012,
      "genre": "Punk"
  "album": [
      "id": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "title": "Forget and Remember",
      "name": "Forget and Remember",
      "coverArt": "al-200000021",
      "songCount": 20,
      "created": "2021-07-22T02:09:31+00:00",
      "duration": 4248,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop"
      "id": "200000012",
      "album": "Buried in Nausea",
      "title": "Buried in Nausea",
      "name": "Buried in Nausea",
      "coverArt": "al-200000012",
      "songCount": 9,
      "created": "2021-02-24T01:44:21+00:00",
      "duration": 1879,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000019",
      "artist": "Various Artists",
      "year": 2012,
      "genre": "Punk"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
album Array of AlbumID3 No Artist albums

6 - artist

Artist details.
  "id": "100000002",
  "name": "Synthetic",
  "coverArt": "ar-100000002",
  "albumCount": 1,
  "starred": "2021-02-22T05:54:18Z"
  "id": "100000002",
  "name": "Synthetic",
  "coverArt": "ar-100000002",
  "albumCount": 1,
  "starred": "2021-02-22T05:54:18Z"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes Artist id
name string Yes Artist name
artistImageUrl string No Artist image url
starred string No Artist starred date [ISO 8601]
userRating int No Artist rating [1-5]
averageRating number No Artist average rating [1.0-5.0]
album Array of AlbumID3 No Artist albums

7 - ArtistID3

An artist from ID3 tags.
    "id": "37ec820ca7193e17040c98f7da7c4b51",
    "name": "2 Mello",
    "coverArt": "ar-37ec820ca7193e17040c98f7da7c4b51_0",
    "albumCount": 1,
    "userRating": 5,
    "artistImageUrl": "https://demo.org/image.jpg",
    "starred": "2017-04-11T10:42:50.842Z",
    "musicBrainzId": "189002e7-3285-4e2e-92a3-7f6c30d407a2",
    "sortName": "Mello (2)",
    "roles": [
  "id": "37ec820ca7193e17040c98f7da7c4b51",
  "name": "2 Mello",
  "coverArt": "ar-37ec820ca7193e17040c98f7da7c4b51_0",
  "albumCount": 1,
  "userRating": 5,
  "artistImageUrl": "https://demo.org/image.jpg",
  "starred": "2017-04-11T10:42:50.842Z"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes The id of the arist
name string Yes The artist name.
coverArt string No A covertArt id.
artistImageUrl string No An url to an external image source.
albumCount int No Artist album count.
starred string No Date the artist was starred. [ISO 8601]
musicBrainzId string No Yes The artist MusicBrainzID.
sortName string No Yes The artist sort name.
roles Array of string No Yes The list of all roles this artist have in the library.

8 - artistInfo

Artist info.
  "biography": "Empty biography",
  "musicBrainzId": "1",
  "smallImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/f20070e8e11611cc53542a38801d60fa/artist/2/thumb34.jpg",
  "mediumImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/2b9b6c057cd4bf21089ce7572e7792b6/artist/2/thumb64.jpg",
  "largeImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/e18287c23a75e263b64c31b3d64c1944/artist/2/thumb174.jpg"
  "biography": "Empty biography",
  "musicBrainzId": "1",
  "smallImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/f20070e8e11611cc53542a38801d60fa/artist/2/thumb34.jpg",
  "mediumImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/2b9b6c057cd4bf21089ce7572e7792b6/artist/2/thumb64.jpg",
  "largeImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/e18287c23a75e263b64c31b3d64c1944/artist/2/thumb174.jpg"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
biography string No Artist biography
musicBrainzId string No Artist musicBrainzId
lastFmUrl string No Artist lastFmUrl
smallImageUrl string No Artist smallImageUrl
mediumImageUrl string No Artist mediumImageUrl
largeImageUrl string No Artist largeImageUrl
similarArtist Array of artist No Similar Artists

9 - artistInfo2

Artist info.
  "biography": "Empty biography",
  "musicBrainzId": "1",
  "smallImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/f20070e8e11611cc53542a38801d60fa/artist/2/thumb34.jpg",
  "mediumImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/2b9b6c057cd4bf21089ce7572e7792b6/artist/2/thumb64.jpg",
  "largeImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/e18287c23a75e263b64c31b3d64c1944/artist/2/thumb174.jpg"
  "biography": "Empty biography",
  "musicBrainzId": "1",
  "smallImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/f20070e8e11611cc53542a38801d60fa/artist/2/thumb34.jpg",
  "mediumImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/2b9b6c057cd4bf21089ce7572e7792b6/artist/2/thumb64.jpg",
  "largeImageUrl": "http://localhost:8989/play/art/e18287c23a75e263b64c31b3d64c1944/artist/2/thumb174.jpg"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
biography string No Artist biography
musicBrainzId string No Artist musicBrainzId
lastFmUrl string No Artist lastFmUrl
smallImageUrl string No Artist smallImageUrl
mediumImageUrl string No Artist mediumImageUrl
largeImageUrl string No Artist largeImageUrl
similarArtist Array of ArtistID3 No Similar Artists

10 - ArtistsID3

A list of indexed Artists.
  "ignoredArticles": "The An A Die Das Ein Eine Les Le La",
  "index": [
      "name": "C",
      "artist": [
          "id": "100000016",
          "name": "CARNÚN",
          "coverArt": "ar-100000016",
          "albumCount": 1
          "id": "100000027",
          "name": "Chi.Otic",
          "coverArt": "ar-100000027",
          "albumCount": 0
      "name": "I",
      "artist": [
          "id": "100000013",
          "name": "IOK-1",
          "coverArt": "ar-100000013",
          "albumCount": 1
  "ignoredArticles": "The An A Die Das Ein Eine Les Le La",
  "index": [
      "name": "C",
      "artist": [
          "id": "100000016",
          "name": "CARNÚN",
          "coverArt": "ar-100000016",
          "albumCount": 1
          "id": "100000027",
          "name": "Chi.Otic",
          "coverArt": "ar-100000027",
          "albumCount": 0
      "name": "I",
      "artist": [
          "id": "100000013",
          "name": "IOK-1",
          "coverArt": "ar-100000013",
          "albumCount": 1
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
ignoredArticles string Yes List of ignored articles space separated
index Array of IndexID3 No Index list

11 - bookmark

A bookmark.
  "entry": {
    "id": "113bf5989ad15ce2cf1834ba9622983f",
    "parent": "b87a936c682c49d4494c7ccb08c22d23",
    "isDir": false,
    "title": "Stay Out Here",
    "album": "Shaking The Habitual",
    "artist": "The Knife",
    "track": 11,
    "year": 2013,
    "genre": "Electronic",
    "coverArt": "al-b87a936c682c49d4494c7ccb08c22d23_0",
    "size": 21096309,
    "contentType": "audio/mp4",
    "suffix": "m4a",
    "duration": 642,
    "bitRate": 257,
    "bitDepth": 16,
    "samplingRate": 44100,
    "channelCount": 2,
    "path": "The Knife/Shaking The Habitual/11 - Stay Out Here.m4a",
    "created": "2023-03-13T16:30:35Z",
    "albumId": "b87a936c682c49d4494c7ccb08c22d23",
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    "type": "music",
    "isVideo": false,
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  "username": "demo",
  "comment": "",
  "created": "2023-03-13T16:30:35Z",
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    "title": "Stay Out Here",
    "album": "Shaking The Habitual",
    "artist": "The Knife",
    "track": 11,
    "year": 2013,
    "genre": "Electronic",
    "coverArt": "al-b87a936c682c49d4494c7ccb08c22d23_0",
    "size": 21096309,
    "contentType": "audio/mp4",
    "suffix": "m4a",
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    "path": "The Knife/Shaking The Habitual/11 - Stay Out Here.m4a",
    "created": "2023-03-13T16:30:35Z",
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    "isVideo": false,
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  "username": "demo",
  "comment": "",
  "created": "2023-03-13T16:30:35Z",
  "changed": "2023-03-13T16:30:35Z"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
position long Yes Bookmark position in seconds
username string Yes Username
comment string No Bookmark comment
created string Yes Bookmark creation date [ISO 8601]
changed string Yes Bookmark last updated date [ISO 8601]
entry Child Yes The bookmark file

12 - bookmarks

Bookmarks list.
  "bookmark": [
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        "title": "Stay Out Here",
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        "title": "Ill with the Skills",
        "album": "First Words",
        "artist": "The Polish Ambassador",
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        "year": 2014,
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        "played": "2023-03-15T15:23:37Z",
        "created": "2023-03-25T11:44:51Z",
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      "comment": "playSub bookmark",
      "created": "2023-03-25T11:44:51Z",
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        "title": "Stay Out Here",
        "album": "Shaking The Habitual",
        "artist": "The Knife",
        "track": 11,
        "year": 2013,
        "genre": "Electronic",
        "coverArt": "al-b87a936c682c49d4494c7ccb08c22d23_0",
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        "title": "Ill with the Skills",
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        "artist": "The Polish Ambassador",
        "track": 17,
        "year": 2014,
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        "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
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        "path": "The Polish Ambassador/First Words/17 - Ill with the Skills.mp3",
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      "username": "demo",
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      "created": "2023-03-25T11:44:51Z",
      "changed": "2023-03-25T11:44:51Z"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
bookmark Array of bookmark No List of bookmark

13 - chatMessage

A chatMessage.
  "username": "user",
  "time": 1678935699000,
  "message": "Api Script Testing"
  "username": "user",
  "time": 1678935699000,
  "message": "Api Script Testing"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
username string Yes Username
time long Yes Time in millis since Jan 1 1970
message string Yes The message

14 - chatMessages

Chat messages list.
  "chatMessage": [
      "username": "admin",
      "time": 1678935707000,
      "message": "Api Script Testing"
      "username": "user",
      "time": 1678935699000,
      "message": "Api Script Testing"
  "chatMessage": [
      "username": "admin",
      "time": 1678935707000,
      "message": "Api Script Testing"
      "username": "user",
      "time": 1678935699000,
      "message": "Api Script Testing"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
chatMessage Array of chatMessage No List of chatMessage

15 - Child

A media.
  "id": "082f435a363c32c57d5edb6a678a28d4",
  "parent": "e8a0685e3f3ec6f251649af2b58b8617",
  "isDir": false,
  "title": "\"polar expedition\"",
  "album": "Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29",
  "artist": "The New Deal",
  "track": 4,
  "year": 2005,
  "coverArt": "mf-082f435a363c32c57d5edb6a678a28d4_6410b3ce",
  "size": 19866778,
  "contentType": "audio/flac",
  "suffix": "flac",
  "starred": "2023-03-27T09:45:27Z",
  "duration": 178,
  "bitRate": 880,
  "bitDepth": 16,
  "samplingRate": 44100,
  "channelCount": 2,
  "path": "The New Deal/Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29/04 - \"polar expedition\".flac",
  "playCount": 8,
  "played": "2023-03-26T22:27:46Z",
  "discNumber": 1,
  "created": "2023-03-14T17:51:22.112827504Z",
  "albumId": "e8a0685e3f3ec6f251649af2b58b8617",
  "artistId": "97e0398acf63f9fb930d7d4ce209a52b",
  "type": "music",
  "mediaType": "song",
  "isVideo": false,
  "bpm": 134,
  "comment": "This is a song comment",
  "sortName": "Polar expedition",
  "musicBrainzId": "189002e7-3285-4e2e-92a3-7f6c30d407a2",
  "genres": [
      "name": "Hip-Hop"
      "name": "East coast"
  "artists": [
      "id": "ar-1",
      "name": "Artist 1"
      "id": "ar-2",
      "name": "Artist 2"
  "displayArtist": "Artist 1 feat. Artist 2",
  "albumArtists": [
      "id": "ar-6",
      "name": "Artist 6"
      "id": "ar-7",
      "name": "Artist 7"
  "displayAlbumArtist": "Artist 6 & Artist 7",
  "contributors": [
      "role": "composer",
      "artist": {
        "id": "ar-3",
        "name": "Artist 3"
      "role": "composer",
      "artist": {
        "id": "ar-4",
        "name": "Artist 4"
      "role": "lyricist",
      "artist": {
        "id": "ar-5",
        "name": "Artist 5"
      "role": "performer",
      "subRole": "Bass",
      "artist": {
        "id": "ar-5",
        "name": "Artist 5"
  "displayComposer": "Artist 3, Artist 4",
  "moods": [
  "explicitStatus": "explicit",
  "replayGain": {
    "trackGain": 0.1,
    "albumGain": 1.1,
    "trackPeak": 9.2,
    "albumPeak": 9,
    "baseGain": 0
  "id": "082f435a363c32c57d5edb6a678a28d4",
  "parent": "e8a0685e3f3ec6f251649af2b58b8617",
  "isDir": false,
  "title": "\"polar expedition\"",
  "album": "Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29",
  "artist": "The New Deal",
  "track": 4,
  "year": 2005,
  "coverArt": "mf-082f435a363c32c57d5edb6a678a28d4_6410b3ce",
  "size": 19866778,
  "contentType": "audio/flac",
  "suffix": "flac",
  "starred": "2023-03-27T09:45:27Z",
  "duration": 178,
  "bitRate": 880,
  "bitDepth": 16,
  "samplingRate": 44100,
  "channelCount": 2,
  "path": "The New Deal/Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29/04 - \"polar expedition\".flac",
  "playCount": 8,
  "discNumber": 1,
  "created": "2023-03-14T17:51:22.112827504Z",
  "albumId": "e8a0685e3f3ec6f251649af2b58b8617",
  "artistId": "97e0398acf63f9fb930d7d4ce209a52b",
  "type": "music",
  "isVideo": false
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes The id of the media
parent string No The id of the parent (folder/album)
isDir boolean Yes The media is a directory
title string Yes The media name.
album string No The album name.
artist string No The artist name.
track int No The track number.
year int No The media year.
genre string No The media genre
coverArt string No A covertArt id.
size long No A file size of the media.
contentType string No The mimeType of the media.
suffix string No The file suffix of the media.
transcodedContentType string No The transcoded mediaType if transcoding should happen.
transcodedSuffix string No The file suffix of the transcoded media.
duration int No The duration of the media in seconds.
bitRate int No The bitrate of the media.
bitDepth int No Yes The bit depth of the media.
samplingRate int No Yes The sampling rate of the media.
channelCount int No Yes The number of channels of the media.
path string No The full path of the media.
isVideo boolean No Media is a video
userRating int No The user rating of the media [1-5]
averageRating number No The average rating of the media [1.0-5.0]
playCount long No The play count.
discNumber int No The disc number.
created string No Date the media was created. [ISO 8601]
starred string No Date the media was starred. [ISO 8601]
albumId string No The corresponding album id
artistId string No The corresponding artist id
type string No The generic type of media [music/podcast/audiobook/video]
mediaType string No Yes The actual media type [song/album/artist] Note: If you support musicBrainzId you must support this field to ensure clients knows what the ID refers to.
bookmarkPosition long No The bookmark position in seconds
originalWidth int No The video original Width
originalHeight int No The video original Height
played string No Yes Date the album was last played. [ISO 8601]
bpm int No Yes The BPM of the song.
comment string No Yes The comment tag of the song.
sortName string No Yes The song sort name.
musicBrainzId string No Yes The track MusicBrainzID.
genres Array of ItemGenre No Yes The list of all genres of the song.
artists Array of ArtistID3 No Yes The list of all song artists of the song. (Note: Only the required ArtistID3 fields should be returned by default)
displayArtist string No Yes The single value display artist.
albumArtists Array of ArtistID3 No Yes The list of all album artists of the song. (Note: Only the required ArtistID3 fields should be returned by default)
displayAlbumArtist string No Yes The single value display album artist.
contributors Array of Contributor No Yes The list of all contributor artists of the song.
displayComposer string No Yes The single value display composer.
moods Array of string No Yes The list of all moods of the song.
replayGain ReplayGain No Yes The replaygain data of the song.
moods Array of string No Yes The list of all moods of the song.
replayGain ReplayGain No Yes The replaygain data of the song.
explicitStatus string No Yes Returns “explicit”, “clean” or “”. (For songs extracted from tags “ITUNESADVISORY”: 1 = explicit, 2 = clean, MP4 “rtng”: 1 or 4 = explicit, 2 = clean. See albumID3 for albums)

16 - Contributor

A contributor artist for a song or an album
    "role": "performer",
    "subRole": "Bass",
    "artist": {
        "id": "ar-1",
        "name": "Artist 1"
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
role string Yes Yes The contributor role.
subRole string No Yes The subRole for roles that may require it. Ex: The instrument for the performer role (TMCL/performer tags). Note: For consistency between different tag formats, the TIPL sub roles should be directly exposed in the role field.
artist ArtistID3 Yes Yes The artist taking on the role. (Note: Only the required ArtistID3 fields should be returned by default)

17 - directory

    "id": "1",
    "name": "music",
    "child": [
            "id": "100000016",
            "parent": "1",
            "isDir": true,
            "title": "CARNÚN",
            "artist": "CARNÚN",
            "coverArt": "ar-100000016"
            "id": "100000027",
            "parent": "1",
            "isDir": true,
            "title": "Chi.Otic",
            "artist": "Chi.Otic",
            "coverArt": "ar-100000027"
    "id": "1",
    "name": "music",
    "child": [
            "id": "100000016",
            "parent": "1",
            "isDir": true,
            "title": "CARNÚN",
            "artist": "CARNÚN",
            "coverArt": "ar-100000016"
            "id": "100000027",
            "parent": "1",
            "isDir": true,
            "title": "Chi.Otic",
            "artist": "Chi.Otic",
            "coverArt": "ar-100000027"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes The id
parent string No Parent item
name string Yes The directory name
starred string No Starred date [ISO 8601]
userRating int No The user rating [1-5]
averageRating number No The average rating [1.0-5.0]
playCount long No The play count
child Array of Child No The directory content

18 - DiscTitle

A disc title for an album
  "disc": 0,
  "title": "The disc title"
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
disc int Yes Yes The disc numer.
title string Yes Yes The name of the disc.

19 - error

  "code": 42,
  "message": "Authentication mechanism not supported. Use API keys",
  "helpUrl": "https://example.org/users/apiKey"
  "code": 40,
  "message": "Wrong username or password"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
code int Yes The error code
message string No The optional error message
helpUrl string No Yes A URL (documentation, configuration, etc) which may provide additional context for the error)

The following error codes are defined:

Code Description
0 A generic error.
10 Required parameter is missing.
20 Incompatible Subsonic REST protocol version. Client must upgrade.
30 Incompatible Subsonic REST protocol version. Server must upgrade.
40 Wrong username or password.
41 Token authentication not supported for LDAP users.
42 Provided authentication mechanism not supported.
43 Multiple conflicting authentication mechanisms provided.
44 Invalid API key.
50 User is not authorized for the given operation.
60 The trial period for the Subsonic server is over. Please upgrade to Subsonic Premium. Visit subsonic.org for details.
70 The requested data was not found.

20 - genre

A genre.
  "songCount": 6,
  "albumCount": 1,
  "value": "Noise"
  "songCount": 6,
  "albumCount": 1,
  "value": "Noise"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
value string Yes Genre name
songCount int Yes Genre song count
albumCount int Yes Genre album count

21 - genres

Genres list.
  "genre": [
      "songCount": 1,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Punk"
      "songCount": 4,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Dark Ambient"
      "songCount": 6,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Noise"
      "songCount": 11,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Electronica"
      "songCount": 11,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Dance"
      "songCount": 12,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Electronic"
      "songCount": 20,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Hip-Hop"
  "genre": [
      "songCount": 1,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Punk"
      "songCount": 4,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Dark Ambient"
      "songCount": 6,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Noise"
      "songCount": 11,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Electronica"
      "songCount": 11,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Dance"
      "songCount": 12,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Electronic"
      "songCount": 20,
      "albumCount": 1,
      "value": "Hip-Hop"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
genre Array of genre No List of genre

22 - Index

An indexed artist list.
  "name": "C",
  "artist": [
      "id": "100000016",
      "name": "CARNÚN",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000016",
      "albumCount": 1
      "id": "100000027",
      "name": "Chi.Otic",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000027",
      "albumCount": 0
  "name": "C",
  "artist": [
      "id": "100000016",
      "name": "CARNÚN",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000016",
      "albumCount": 1
      "id": "100000027",
      "name": "Chi.Otic",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000027",
      "albumCount": 0
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
name string Yes Index name
artist Array of Artist No Artist list

23 - indexes

Artist list.
  "shortcut": [
      "id": "11",
      "name": "Audio books"
      "id": "10",
      "name": "Podcasts"
  "index": [
      "artist": [
          "id": "1",
          "name": "ABBA"
          "id": "2",
          "name": "Alanis Morisette"
          "id": "3",
          "name": "Alphaville",
          "starred": "2013-11-02T12:30:00"
      "name": "A"
      "artist": {
        "name": "Bob Dylan",
        "id": "4"
      "name": "B"
  "child": [
      "id": "111",
      "parent": "11",
      "title": "Dancing Queen",
      "isDir": "false",
      "album": "Arrival",
      "artist": "ABBA",
      "track": "7",
      "year": "1978",
      "genre": "Pop",
      "coverArt": "24",
      "size": "8421341",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "duration": "146",
      "bitRate": "128",
      "path": "ABBA/Arrival/Dancing Queen.mp3"
      "id": "112",
      "parent": "11",
      "title": "Money, Money, Money",
      "isDir": "false",
      "album": "Arrival",
      "artist": "ABBA",
      "track": "7",
      "year": "1978",
      "genre": "Pop",
      "coverArt": "25",
      "size": "4910028",
      "contentType": "audio/flac",
      "suffix": "flac",
      "transcodedContentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "transcodedSuffix": "mp3",
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      "bitRate": "128",
      "path": "ABBA/Arrival/Money, Money, Money.mp3"
  "lastModified": "237462836472342",
  "ignoredArticles": "The El La Los Las Le Les"
<indexes lastModified="237462836472342" ignoredArticles="The El La Los Las Le Les">
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  "shortcut": [
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      "name": "A"
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        "id": "4"
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      "id": "111",
      "parent": "11",
      "title": "Dancing Queen",
      "isDir": "false",
      "album": "Arrival",
      "artist": "ABBA",
      "track": "7",
      "year": "1978",
      "genre": "Pop",
      "coverArt": "24",
      "size": "8421341",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "duration": "146",
      "bitRate": "128",
      "path": "ABBA/Arrival/Dancing Queen.mp3"
      "id": "112",
      "parent": "11",
      "title": "Money, Money, Money",
      "isDir": "false",
      "album": "Arrival",
      "artist": "ABBA",
      "track": "7",
      "year": "1978",
      "genre": "Pop",
      "coverArt": "25",
      "size": "4910028",
      "contentType": "audio/flac",
      "suffix": "flac",
      "transcodedContentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "transcodedSuffix": "mp3",
      "duration": "208",
      "bitRate": "128",
      "path": "ABBA/Arrival/Money, Money, Money.mp3"
  "lastModified": "237462836472342",
  "ignoredArticles": "The El La Los Las Le Les"
<indexes lastModified="237462836472342" ignoredArticles="The El La Los Las Le Les">
  <shortcut id="11" name="Audio books"/>
  <shortcut id="10" name="Podcasts"/>
  <index name="A">
    <artist id="1" name="ABBA"/>
    <artist id="2" name="Alanis Morisette"/>
    <artist id="3" name="Alphaville" starred="2013-11-02T12:30:00"/>
  <index name="B">
    <artist name="Bob Dylan" id="4"/>
  <child id="111" parent="11" title="Dancing Queen" isDir="false" album="Arrival" artist="ABBA" track="7" year="1978" genre="Pop" coverArt="24" size="8421341" contentType="audio/mpeg" suffix="mp3" duration="146" bitRate="128" path="ABBA/Arrival/Dancing Queen.mp3"/>
  <child id="112" parent="11" title="Money, Money, Money" isDir="false" album="Arrival" artist="ABBA" track="7" year="1978" genre="Pop" coverArt="25" size="4910028" contentType="audio/flac" suffix="flac" transcodedContentType="audio/mpeg" transcodedSuffix="mp3" duration="208" bitRate="128" path="ABBA/Arrival/Money, Money, Money.mp3"/>
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
ignoredArticles string Yes The ignored articles
lastModified long Yes Last time the index was modified in milliseconds after January 1, 1970 UTC
shortcut Array of Artist No Shortcut
child Array of Child No Array of children
index Array of Index No Indexed artists

24 - IndexID3

An indexed artist list by ID3 tags.
  "name": "C",
  "artist": [
      "id": "100000016",
      "name": "CARNÚN",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000016",
      "albumCount": 1
      "id": "100000027",
      "name": "Chi.Otic",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000027",
      "albumCount": 0
  "name": "C",
  "artist": [
      "id": "100000016",
      "name": "CARNÚN",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000016",
      "albumCount": 1
      "id": "100000027",
      "name": "Chi.Otic",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000027",
      "albumCount": 0
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
name string Yes Index name
artist Array of Artist No Artist list

25 - internetRadioStation

An internetRadioStation.
  "id": "2",
  "name": "HBR1.com - I.D.M. Tranceponder",
  "streamUrl": "http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/trance.ogg",
  "homepageUrl": "http://www.hbr1.com/"
  "id": "2",
  "name": "HBR1.com - I.D.M. Tranceponder",
  "streamUrl": "http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/trance.ogg",
  "homepageUrl": "http://www.hbr1.com/"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes The Id
name string Yes The name
streamUrl string Yes The radio url
homePageUrl string No Genre name

26 - internetRadioStations

  "internetRadioStation": [
      "id": "1",
      "name": "HBR1.com - Dream Factory",
      "streamUrl": "http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/ambient.aac",
      "homepageUrl": "http://www.hbr1.com/"
      "id": "2",
      "name": "HBR1.com - I.D.M. Tranceponder",
      "streamUrl": "http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/trance.ogg",
      "homepageUrl": "http://www.hbr1.com/"
      "id": "3",
      "name": "4ZZZ Community Radio",
      "streamUrl": "https://stream.4zzz.org.au:9200/4zzz",
      "homepageUrl": "https://4zzzfm.org.au"
  "internetRadioStation": [
      "id": "1",
      "name": "HBR1.com - Dream Factory",
      "streamUrl": "http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/ambient.aac",
      "homepageUrl": "http://www.hbr1.com/"
      "id": "2",
      "name": "HBR1.com - I.D.M. Tranceponder",
      "streamUrl": "http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/trance.ogg",
      "homepageUrl": "http://www.hbr1.com/"
      "id": "3",
      "name": "4ZZZ Community Radio",
      "streamUrl": "https://stream.4zzz.org.au:9200/4zzz",
      "homepageUrl": "https://4zzzfm.org.au"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
internetRadioStation Array of internetRadioStation No A list of internetRadioStation

27 - ItemDate

A date for a media item that may be just a year, or year-month, or full date.
  "year": 2020,
  "month": 1,
  "day": 1
  <!-- XML name is the name of the property on the parent object-->
  <originalReleaseDate year="2020" month="1" day="1"/>
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
year integer No Yes The year
month integer No Yes The month (1-12)
day integer No Yes The day (1-31)

28 - ItemGenre

A genre returned in list of genres for an item.
  "name": "Noise"
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
name string Yes Yes Genre name

29 - jukeboxPlaylist

  "currentIndex": 7,
  "playing": true,
  "gain": 0.9,
  "position": 67,
  "entry": [
      "id": "300000116",
      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Can I Help U?",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "300000116",
      "duration": 103,
      "bitRate": 216,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
  "currentIndex": 7,
  "playing": true,
  "gain": 0.9,
  "position": 67,
  "entry": [
      "id": "300000116",
      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Can I Help U?",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "300000116",
      "duration": 103,
      "bitRate": 216,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
currentIndex int Yes The current index of the song being played
playing boolean Yes Whether the queue is currently playing
gain float Yes Volume, in a range of [0.0, 1.0]
position int No The current position of the track in seconds
entry Array of Child No The songs currently enqueued in the jukebox

30 - jukeboxStatus

  "currentIndex": 7,
  "playing": true,
  "gain": 0.9,
  "position": 67
  "currentIndex": 7,
  "playing": true,
  "gain": 0.9,
  "position": 67
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
currentIndex int Yes The current index of the song being played
playing boolean Yes Whether the queue is currently playing
gain float Yes Volume, in a range of [0.0, 1.0]
position int No The current position of the track in seconds

31 - license

getLicense result.
  "valid": true,
  "email": "demo@demo.org",
  "licenseExpires": "2017-04-11T10:42:50.842Z",
  "trialExpires": "2017-04-11T10:42:50.842Z"
  "valid": true,
  "email": "demo@demo.org",
  "licenseExpires": "2017-04-11T10:42:50.842Z",
  "trialExpires": "2017-04-11T10:42:50.842Z"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
valid boolean Yes The status of the license
email string No User email
licenseExpires string No End of license date. [ISO 8601]
trialExpires string No End of trial date. [ISO 8601]

32 - line

One line of a song lyric
  "start": 0,
  "value": "It's bugging me"
<line start="0">It's bugging me</line>
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
value string Yes Yes The actual text of this line
start number No Yes The start time of the lyrics, relative to the start time of the track, in milliseconds. If this is not part of synced lyrics, start must be omitted

33 - lyrics

  "artist": "Metallica",
  "title": "Blitzkrieg",
  "value": "Let us have peace, let us have life\n\nLet us escape the cruel night\n\nLet us have time, let the sun shine\n\nLet us beware the deadly sign\n\n\n\nThe day is coming\n\nArmageddon's near\n\nInferno's coming\n\nCan we survive the blitzkrieg?\n\nThe blitzkrieg\n\nThe blitzkrieg\n\n\n\nSave us from fate, save us from hate\n\nSave ourselves before it's too late\n\nCome to our need, hear our plea\n\nSave ourselves before the earth bleeds\n\n\n\nThe day is dawning\n\nThe time is near\n\nAliens calling\n\nCan we survive the blitzkrieg?"
  "artist": "Metallica",
  "title": "Blitzkrieg",
  "value": "Let us have peace, let us have life\n\nLet us escape the cruel night\n\nLet us have time, let the sun shine\n\nLet us beware the deadly sign\n\n\n\nThe day is coming\n\nArmageddon's near\n\nInferno's coming\n\nCan we survive the blitzkrieg?\n\nThe blitzkrieg\n\nThe blitzkrieg\n\n\n\nSave us from fate, save us from hate\n\nSave ourselves before it's too late\n\nCome to our need, hear our plea\n\nSave ourselves before the earth bleeds\n\n\n\nThe day is dawning\n\nThe time is near\n\nAliens calling\n\nCan we survive the blitzkrieg?"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
value string Yes The lyrics
artist string No The artist name
title string No The song title

34 - lyricsList

List of structured lyrics
  "structuredLyrics": [
      "displayArtist": "Muse",
      "displayTitle": "Hysteria",
      "lang": "eng",
      "offset": -100,
      "synced": true,
      "line": [
          "start": 0,
          "value": "It's bugging me"
          "start": 2000,
          "value": "Grating me"
          "start": 3001,
          "value": "And twisting me around..."
      "displayArtist": "Muse",
      "displayTitle": "Hysteria",
      "lang": "xxx",
      "offset": 100,
      "synced": false,
      "line": [
          "value": "It's bugging me"
          "value": "Grating me"
          "value": "And twisting me around..."
  <structuredLyrics displayArtist="Muse" displayTitle="Hysteria" lang="eng" offset="-100" synced="true">
    <line start="0">It's bugging me</line>
    <line start="2000">Grating me</line>
    <line start="3001">And twisting me around...</line>
  <structuredLyrics displayArtist="Muse" displayTitle="Hysteria" lang="xxx" offset="100" synced="false">
    <line>It's bugging me</line>
    <line>Grating me</line>
    <line>And twisting me around...</line>
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
structuredLyrics Array of structuredLyrics No Yes Structured lyrics. There can be multiple lyrics of the same type with the same language

35 - musicFolder

  "id": 4,
  "name": "upload"
  "id": 4,
  "name": "upload"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id int Yes The id
name string No The folder name

36 - musicFolders

  "musicFolder": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "music"
      "id": 4,
      "name": "upload"
  "musicFolder": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "music"
      "id": 4,
      "name": "upload"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
musicFolder Array of musicFolder No The folders

37 - NewestPodcasts

  "episode": [
      "id": "7390",
      "parent": "7389",
      "isDir": "false",
      "title": "Jonas Gahr Støre",
      "album": "NRK – Hallo P3",
      "artist": "Podcast",
      "year": "2015",
      "coverArt": "7389",
      "size": "41808585",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "duration": "2619",
      "bitRate": "128",
      "isVideo": "false",
      "created": "2015-09-07T20:07:31.000Z",
      "artistId": "453",
      "type": "podcast",
      "streamId": "7410",
      "channelId": "17",
      "description": "Jonas Gahr Støre fra Arbeiderpartiet er med i dagens partilederutspørring i Hallo P3!",
      "status": "completed",
      "publishDate": "2015-09-07T15:29:00.000Z"
  "episode": [
      "id": "7390",
      "parent": "7389",
      "isDir": "false",
      "title": "Jonas Gahr Støre",
      "album": "NRK – Hallo P3",
      "artist": "Podcast",
      "year": "2015",
      "coverArt": "7389",
      "size": "41808585",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "duration": "2619",
      "bitRate": "128",
      "isVideo": "false",
      "created": "2015-09-07T20:07:31.000Z",
      "artistId": "453",
      "type": "podcast",
      "streamId": "7410",
      "channelId": "17",
      "description": "Jonas Gahr Støre fra Arbeiderpartiet er med i dagens partilederutspørring i Hallo P3!",
      "status": "completed",
      "publishDate": "2015-09-07T15:29:00.000Z"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
episode An array of PodcastEpisode No

38 - nowPlaying

  "entry": [
      "id": "300115266",
      "parent": "200147046",
      "title": "Take the Home",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200147046",
      "album": "How I Learned to Love Our Robot Overlords",
      "artistId": "100002619",
      "artist": "Raggedy Angry",
      "coverArt": "300115266",
      "duration": 227,
      "bitRate": 222,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "userRating": 3,
      "track": 7,
      "year": 2010,
      "genre": "Industrial",
      "size": 6341039,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "Raggedy Angry/(2010) How I Learned to Love Our Robot Overlords/1-07 - Take the Home.mp3",
      "username": "user",
      "minutesAgo": 0,
      "playerId": 0
  "entry": [
      "id": "300115266",
      "parent": "200147046",
      "title": "Take the Home",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200147046",
      "album": "How I Learned to Love Our Robot Overlords",
      "artistId": "100002619",
      "artist": "Raggedy Angry",
      "coverArt": "300115266",
      "duration": 227,
      "bitRate": 222,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "userRating": 3,
      "track": 7,
      "year": 2010,
      "genre": "Industrial",
      "size": 6341039,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "Raggedy Angry/(2010) How I Learned to Love Our Robot Overlords/1-07 - Take the Home.mp3",
      "username": "user",
      "minutesAgo": 0,
      "playerId": 0
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
entry Array of NowPlayingEntry Yes A list of NowPlayingEntry

39 - NowPlayingEntry

  "id": "300115266",
  "parent": "200147046",
  "title": "Take the Home",
  "isDir": false,
  "isVideo": false,
  "type": "music",
  "albumId": "200147046",
  "album": "How I Learned to Love Our Robot Overlords",
  "artistId": "100002619",
  "artist": "Raggedy Angry",
  "coverArt": "300115266",
  "duration": 227,
  "bitRate": 222,
  "bitDepth": 16,
  "samplingRate": 44100,
  "channelCount": 2,
  "userRating": 3,
  "track": 7,
  "year": 2010,
  "genre": "Industrial",
  "size": 6341039,
  "discNumber": 1,
  "suffix": "mp3",
  "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
  "path": "Raggedy Angry/(2010) How I Learned to Love Our Robot Overlords/1-07 - Take the Home.mp3",
  "username": "user",
  "minutesAgo": 0,
  "playerId": 0
  "id": "300115266",
  "parent": "200147046",
  "title": "Take the Home",
  "isDir": false,
  "isVideo": false,
  "type": "music",
  "albumId": "200147046",
  "album": "How I Learned to Love Our Robot Overlords",
  "artistId": "100002619",
  "artist": "Raggedy Angry",
  "coverArt": "300115266",
  "duration": 227,
  "bitRate": 222,
  "bitDepth": 16,
  "samplingRate": 44100,
  "channelCount": 2,
  "userRating": 3,
  "track": 7,
  "year": 2010,
  "genre": "Industrial",
  "size": 6341039,
  "discNumber": 1,
  "suffix": "mp3",
  "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
  "path": "Raggedy Angry/(2010) How I Learned to Love Our Robot Overlords/1-07 - Take the Home.mp3",
  "username": "user",
  "minutesAgo": 0,
  "playerId": 0
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
username string Yes The username
minutesAgo string Yes Last update
playerId boolean Yes Player Id
playerName string No Player name

40 - OpenSubsonicExtension

A supported OpenSubsonic API extension.
    "name": "template",
    "versions": [
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
name String Yes Yes The name of the extension.
versions Array of int Yes Yes The list of supported versions of the this extension.

41 - playlist

  "id": "800000075",
  "name": "testcreate",
  "owner": "user",
  "public": true,
  "created": "2023-03-16T03:18:41+00:00",
  "changed": "2023-03-16T03:18:41+00:00",
  "songCount": 1,
  "duration": 304
  "id": "800000075",
  "name": "testcreate",
  "owner": "user",
  "public": true,
  "created": "2023-03-16T03:18:41+00:00",
  "changed": "2023-03-16T03:18:41+00:00",
  "songCount": 1,
  "duration": 304
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes Id of the playlist
name string Yes Name of the playlist
comment string No A commnet
owner string No Owner of the playlist
public boolean No Is the playlist public
songCount int Yes number of songs
duration int Yes Playlist duration in seconds
created string Yes Creation date [ISO 8601]
changed string Yes Last changed date [ISO 8601]
coverArt string No A cover Art Id
allowedUser Array of string No A list of allowed usernames

42 - playlists

  "playlist": [
      "id": "800000003",
      "name": "random - admin - private (admin)",
      "owner": "admin",
      "public": false,
      "created": "2021-02-23T04:35:38+00:00",
      "changed": "2021-02-23T04:35:38+00:00",
      "songCount": 43,
      "duration": 17875
      "id": "800000002",
      "name": "random - admin - public (admin)",
      "owner": "admin",
      "public": true,
      "created": "2021-02-23T04:34:56+00:00",
      "changed": "2021-02-23T04:34:56+00:00",
      "songCount": 43,
      "duration": 17786
  "playlist": [
      "id": "800000003",
      "name": "random - admin - private (admin)",
      "owner": "admin",
      "public": false,
      "created": "2021-02-23T04:35:38+00:00",
      "changed": "2021-02-23T04:35:38+00:00",
      "songCount": 43,
      "duration": 17875
      "id": "800000002",
      "name": "random - admin - public (admin)",
      "owner": "admin",
      "public": true,
      "created": "2021-02-23T04:34:56+00:00",
      "changed": "2021-02-23T04:34:56+00:00",
      "songCount": 43,
      "duration": 17786
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
playlist Array of playlist No A list of playlist

43 - playlistWithSongs

Playlist with songs.
  "id": "800000075",
  "name": "testcreate",
  "owner": "user",
  "public": true,
  "created": "2023-03-16T03:18:41+00:00",
  "changed": "2023-03-16T03:18:41+00:00",
  "songCount": 1,
  "duration": 304,
  "entry": [
      "id": "300000060",
      "parent": "200000002",
      "title": "BrownSmoke",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000002",
      "album": "Colorsmoke EP",
      "artistId": "100000002",
      "artist": "Synthetic",
      "coverArt": "300000060",
      "duration": 304,
      "bitRate": 20,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "userRating": 5,
      "averageRating": 5,
      "track": 4,
      "year": 2007,
      "genre": "Electronic",
      "size": 792375,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "wma",
      "contentType": "audio/x-ms-wma",
      "path": "Synthetic/Synthetic_-_Colorsmoke_EP-20k217-2007/04-Synthetic_-_BrownSmokeYSBM20k22khS.wma"
  "id": "800000075",
  "name": "testcreate",
  "owner": "user",
  "public": true,
  "created": "2023-03-16T03:18:41+00:00",
  "changed": "2023-03-16T03:18:41+00:00",
  "songCount": 1,
  "duration": 304,
  "entry": [
      "id": "300000060",
      "parent": "200000002",
      "title": "BrownSmoke",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000002",
      "album": "Colorsmoke EP",
      "artistId": "100000002",
      "artist": "Synthetic",
      "coverArt": "300000060",
      "duration": 304,
      "bitRate": 20,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "userRating": 5,
      "averageRating": 5,
      "track": 4,
      "year": 2007,
      "genre": "Electronic",
      "size": 792375,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "wma",
      "contentType": "audio/x-ms-wma",
      "path": "Synthetic/Synthetic_-_Colorsmoke_EP-20k217-2007/04-Synthetic_-_BrownSmokeYSBM20k22khS.wma"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes Id of the playlist
name string Yes Name of the playlist
comment string No A commnet
owner string No Owner of the playlist
public boolean No Is the playlist public
songCount int Yes number of songs
duration int Yes Playlist duration in seconds
created string Yes Creation date [ISO 8601]
changed string Yes Last changed date [ISO 8601]
coverArt string No A cover Art Id
allowedUser Array of string No A list of allowed usernames
entry Array of Child No The list of songs

44 - PlayQueue

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  "position": 1000,
  "username": "user",
  "changed": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
  "changedBy": "example client",
  "entry": [
      "id": "1234",
      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Can I Help U?",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "1234",
      "duration": 103,
      "bitRate": 216,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
  "current": "1234",
  "position": 1000,
  "username": "user",
  "changed": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
  "changedBy": "example client",
  "entry": [
      "id": "1234",
      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Can I Help U?",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "1234",
      "duration": 103,
      "bitRate": 216,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
current string No ID of currently playing track
position long No Position in milliseconds of currently playing track
username string Yes The user this queue belongs to
changed string Yes Date modified [ISO 8601]
changedBy string Yes Name of client app
entry Array of Child No The list of songs in the queue

45 - PodcastChannel

A Podcast channel
  "channel": {
    "id": "1",
    "url": "http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/fivelive/drkarl/rss.xml",
    "title": "Dr Karl and the Naked Scientist",
    "description": "Dr Chris Smith aka The Naked Scientist with the latest news from the world of science and Dr Karl answers listeners' science questions.",
    "coverArt": "pod-1",
    "originalImageUrl": "http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/fivelive/drkarl/drkarl.jpg",
    "status": "completed",
    "episode": [
        "id": "34",
        "streamId": "523",
        "channelId": "1",
        "title": "Scorpions have re-evolved eyes",
        "description": "This week Dr Chris fills us in on the UK's largest free science festival, plus all this week's big scientific discoveries.",
        "publishDate": "2011-02-03T14:46:43",
        "status": "completed",
        "parent": "11",
        "isDir": "false",
        "year": "2011",
        "genre": "Podcast",
        "coverArt": "24",
        "size": "78421341",
        "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
        "suffix": "mp3",
        "duration": "3146",
        "bitRate": "128",
        "path": "Podcast/drkarl/20110203.mp3"
  "channel": {
    "id": "1",
    "url": "http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/fivelive/drkarl/rss.xml",
    "title": "Dr Karl and the Naked Scientist",
    "description": "Dr Chris Smith aka The Naked Scientist with the latest news from the world of science and Dr Karl answers listeners' science questions.",
    "coverArt": "pod-1",
    "originalImageUrl": "http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/fivelive/drkarl/drkarl.jpg",
    "status": "completed",
    "episode": [
        "id": "34",
        "streamId": "523",
        "channelId": "1",
        "title": "Scorpions have re-evolved eyes",
        "description": "This week Dr Chris fills us in on the UK's largest free science festival, plus all this week's big scientific discoveries.",
        "publishDate": "2011-02-03T14:46:43",
        "status": "completed",
        "parent": "11",
        "isDir": "false",
        "year": "2011",
        "genre": "Podcast",
        "coverArt": "24",
        "size": "78421341",
        "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
        "suffix": "mp3",
        "duration": "3146",
        "bitRate": "128",
        "path": "Podcast/drkarl/20110203.mp3"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes The channel ID
url string Yes Podcast channel URL
title string No The channel title
description string No The channel description
coverArt string No ID used for retrieving cover art
originalImageUrl string No URL for original image of podcast channel
status PodcastStatus Yes Channel status
errorMessage string No An error message
episode An array of PodcastEpisode No Podcast episodes with this channel

46 - PodcastEpisode

A Podcast episode
  "id": "7390",
  "parent": "7389",
  "isDir": "false",
  "title": "Jonas Gahr Støre",
  "album": "NRK – Hallo P3",
  "artist": "Podcast",
  "year": "2015",
  "coverArt": "7389",
  "size": "41808585",
  "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
  "suffix": "mp3",
  "duration": "2619",
  "bitRate": "128",
  "isVideo": "false",
  "created": "2015-09-07T20:07:31.000Z",
  "artistId": "453",
  "type": "podcast",
  "streamId": "7410",
  "channelId": "17",
  "description": "Jonas Gahr Støre fra Arbeiderpartiet er med i dagens partilederutspørring i Hallo P3!",
  "status": "completed",
  "publishDate": "2015-09-07T15:29:00.000Z"
  "id": "7390",
  "parent": "7389",
  "isDir": "false",
  "title": "Jonas Gahr Støre",
  "album": "NRK – Hallo P3",
  "artist": "Podcast",
  "year": "2015",
  "coverArt": "7389",
  "size": "41808585",
  "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
  "suffix": "mp3",
  "duration": "2619",
  "bitRate": "128",
  "isVideo": "false",
  "created": "2015-09-07T20:07:31.000Z",
  "artistId": "453",
  "type": "podcast",
  "streamId": "7410",
  "channelId": "17",
  "description": "Jonas Gahr Støre fra Arbeiderpartiet er med i dagens partilederutspørring i Hallo P3!",
  "status": "completed",
  "publishDate": "2015-09-07T15:29:00.000Z"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
streamId string No ID used for streaming podcast
channelId string Yes ID of the podcast channel
description string No Episode description
status PodcastStatus Yes Podcast status
publishDate string No Date the episode was published [ISO 8601]

47 - podcasts

  "channel": [
      "id": "7390",
      "parent": "7389",
      "isDir": "false",
      "title": "Jonas Gahr Støre",
      "album": "NRK – Hallo P3",
      "artist": "Podcast",
      "year": "2015",
      "coverArt": "7389",
      "size": "41808585",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "duration": "2619",
      "bitRate": "128",
      "isVideo": "false",
      "created": "2015-09-07T20:07:31.000Z",
      "artistId": "453",
      "type": "podcast",
      "streamId": "7410",
      "channelId": "17",
      "description": "Jonas Gahr Støre fra Arbeiderpartiet er med i dagens partilederutspørring i Hallo P3!",
      "status": "completed",
      "publishDate": "2015-09-07T15:29:00.000Z"
      "id": "3",
      "url": "https://example.com/404",
      "status": "error",
      "errorMessage": "Not Found"
  "channel": [
      "id": "7390",
      "parent": "7389",
      "isDir": "false",
      "title": "Jonas Gahr Støre",
      "album": "NRK – Hallo P3",
      "artist": "Podcast",
      "year": "2015",
      "coverArt": "7389",
      "size": "41808585",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "duration": "2619",
      "bitRate": "128",
      "isVideo": "false",
      "created": "2015-09-07T20:07:31.000Z",
      "artistId": "453",
      "type": "podcast",
      "streamId": "7410",
      "channelId": "17",
      "description": "Jonas Gahr Støre fra Arbeiderpartiet er med i dagens partilederutspørring i Hallo P3!",
      "status": "completed",
      "publishDate": "2015-09-07T15:29:00.000Z"
      "id": "3",
      "url": "https://example.com/404",
      "status": "error",
      "errorMessage": "notFound"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
channel An array of PodcastChannel No Podcast channel(s)

48 - PodcastStatus

An enumeration of possible podcast statuses

A podcast status is a string type taking one of the following values:

  • new
  • downloading
  • completed
  • error
  • deleted
  • skipped

49 - RecordLabel

A record label for an album.
  "name": "Sony"
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
name string Yes Yes The record label name.

50 - ReplayGain

The replay gain data of a song.
    "trackGain": 0.1,
    "albumGain": 1.1,
    "trackPeak": 9.2,
    "albumPeak": 0,
    "baseGain": 0,
    "fallbackGain": -8.1
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
trackGain number No Yes The track replay gain value. (In Db)
albumGain number No Yes The album replay gain value. (In Db)
trackPeak number No Yes The track peak value. (Must be positive)
albumPeak number No Yes The album peak value. (Must be positive)
baseGain number No Yes The base gain value. (In Db) (Ogg Opus Output Gain for example)
fallbackGain number No Yes An optional fallback gain that clients should apply when the corresponding gain value is missing. (Can be computed from the tracks or exposed as an user setting.)

Note: If the data is not present the field must be ommited in the answer. (But the replayGain field on Child must always be present)

51 - scanStatus

Scan status information.
  "scanning": false,
  "count": 0
  "scanning": false,
  "count": 0
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
scanning boolean Yes The status of the scan
count int No Scanned item count

52 - searchResult

Field Type Req. OpenS. Details

53 - searchResult2

  "artist": [
      "id": "100000002",
      "name": "Synthetic",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000002",
      "albumCount": 1,
      "starred": "2021-02-22T05:54:18Z"
  "album": [
      "id": "200000021",
      "parent": "100000036",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
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      "name": "Forget and Remember",
      "isDir": true,
      "coverArt": "al-200000021",
      "songCount": 20,
      "created": "2021-07-22T02:09:31+00:00",
      "duration": 4248,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop"
  "song": [
      "id": "082f435a363c32c57d5edb6a678a28d4",
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      "isDir": false,
      "title": "\"polar expedition\"",
      "album": "Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29",
      "artist": "The New Deal",
      "track": 4,
      "year": 2005,
      "coverArt": "mf-082f435a363c32c57d5edb6a678a28d4_6410b3ce",
      "size": 19866778,
      "contentType": "audio/flac",
      "suffix": "flac",
      "starred": "2023-03-27T09:45:27Z",
      "duration": 178,
      "bitRate": 880,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "path": "The New Deal/Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29/04 - \"polar expedition\".flac",
      "playCount": 8,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "created": "2023-03-14T17:51:22.112827504Z",
      "albumId": "e8a0685e3f3ec6f251649af2b58b8617",
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      "type": "music",
      "isVideo": false
  "artist": [
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      "name": "Synthetic",
      "coverArt": "ar-100000002",
      "albumCount": 1,
      "starred": "2021-02-22T05:54:18Z"
  "album": [
      "id": "200000021",
      "parent": "100000036",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "title": "Forget and Remember",
      "name": "Forget and Remember",
      "isDir": true,
      "coverArt": "al-200000021",
      "songCount": 20,
      "created": "2021-07-22T02:09:31+00:00",
      "duration": 4248,
      "playCount": 0,
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop"
  "song": [
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      "parent": "e8a0685e3f3ec6f251649af2b58b8617",
      "isDir": false,
      "title": "\"polar expedition\"",
      "album": "Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29",
      "artist": "The New Deal",
      "track": 4,
      "year": 2005,
      "coverArt": "mf-082f435a363c32c57d5edb6a678a28d4_6410b3ce",
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      "starred": "2023-03-27T09:45:27Z",
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      "bitRate": 880,
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      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "path": "The New Deal/Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29/04 - \"polar expedition\".flac",
      "playCount": 8,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "created": "2023-03-14T17:51:22.112827504Z",
      "albumId": "e8a0685e3f3ec6f251649af2b58b8617",
      "artistId": "97e0398acf63f9fb930d7d4ce209a52b",
      "type": "music",
      "isVideo": false
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
artist Array of Artist No Starred artists
album Array of Child No Starred albums
song Array of Child No Starred songs

54 - searchResult3

search3 result.
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      "albumCount": 1,
      "userRating": 5,
      "artistImageUrl": "https://demo.org/image.jpg"
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      "name": "8-bit lagerfeuer",
      "artist": "pornophonique",
      "year": 2007,
      "coverArt": "al-ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35_640a93a8",
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      "duration": 1954,
      "playCount": 97,
      "played": "2023-03-28T00:45:13Z",
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      "title": "\"polar expedition\"",
      "album": "Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29",
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      "channelCount": 2,
      "path": "The New Deal/Live at The Casbah - 2005-04-29/04 - \"polar expedition\".flac",
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      "played": "2023-03-26T22:27:46Z",
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      "albumCount": 1,
      "userRating": 5,
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      "year": 2007,
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      "starred": "2023-03-22T01:51:06Z",
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      "type": "music",
      "isVideo": false
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
artist Array of ArtistID3 No Matching artists
album Array of AlbumID3 No Matching albums
song Array of Child No Matching songs

55 - share

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      "isVideo": false,
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      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
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      "bitRate": 238,
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      "track": 1,
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      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
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      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
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      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 2,
      "year": 2005,
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      "size": 10715592,
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      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
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Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes The share Id
url string Yes The share url
description string No A description
username string Yes The username
created string Yes Creation date [ISO 8601]
expires string No Share expiration [ISO 8601]
lastVisited string No Last visit [ISO 8601]
visitCount int Yes Visit count
entry Array of Child No A list of share

56 - shares

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57 - similarSongs

SimilarSongs list.
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Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
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58 - similarSongs2

SimilarSongs2 list.
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Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
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59 - song

Field Type Req. OpenS. Details

60 - songs

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Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
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61 - starred

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Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
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62 - starred2

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Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
artist Array of ArtistID3 No Starred artists
album Array of AlbumID3 No Starred albums
song Array of Child No Starred songs

63 - structuredLyrics

Structured lyrics
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      "value": "It's bugging me"
      "start": 2000,
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  <line start="2000">Grating me</line>
  <line start="3001">And twisting me around...</line>
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
lang string Yes Yes The lyrics language (ideally ISO 639). If the language is unknown (e.g. lrc file), the server must return und (ISO standard) or xxx (common value for taggers)
synced boolean Yes Yes True if the lyrics are synced, false otherwise
line Array of line Yes Yes The actual lyrics. Ordered by start time (synced) or appearance order (unsynced)
displayArtist string No Yes The artist name to display. This could be the localized name, or any other value
displayTitle string No Yes The title to display. This could be the song title (localized), or any other value
offset number No Yes The offset to apply to all lyrics, in milliseconds. Positive means lyrics appear sooner, negative means later. If not included, the offset must be assumed to be 0

64 - subsonic-response

Common answer wrapper.
  "subsonic-response": {
    "status": "ok",
    "version": "1.16.1",
    "type": "AwesomeServerName",
    "serverVersion": "0.1.3 (tag)",
    "openSubsonic": true
  "subsonic-response": {
    "status": "ok",
    "version": "1.16.1"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
status string Yes The command result. ok or failed
version string Yes The server supported Subsonic API version.
type string Yes Yes The server actual name. [Ex: Navidrome or gonic]
serverVersion string Yes Yes The server actual version. [Ex: 1.2.3 (beta)]
openSubsonic boolean Yes Yes Must return true if the server support OpenSubsonic API v1
error error No The error details when status is failed

65 - tokenInfo

Information about an API key
  "tokenInfo": {
    "username": "token username"
<tokenInfo username="token username"></tokenInfo>
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
username string Yes Yes Username associated with token

66 - topSongs

TopSongs list.
  "song": [
      "id": "300000060",
      "parent": "200000002",
      "title": "BrownSmoke",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000002",
      "album": "Colorsmoke EP",
      "artistId": "100000002",
      "artist": "Synthetic",
      "coverArt": "300000060",
      "duration": 304,
      "bitRate": 20,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "userRating": 5,
      "averageRating": 5,
      "track": 4,
      "year": 2007,
      "genre": "Electronic",
      "size": 792375,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "wma",
      "contentType": "audio/x-ms-wma",
      "path": "Synthetic/Synthetic_-_Colorsmoke_EP-20k217-2007/04-Synthetic_-_BrownSmokeYSBM20k22khS.wma"
      "id": "300000055",
      "parent": "200000002",
      "title": "Red&GreenSmoke",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000002",
      "album": "Colorsmoke EP",
      "artistId": "100000002",
      "artist": "Synthetic",
      "coverArt": "300000055",
      "duration": 400,
      "bitRate": 64,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 5,
      "year": 2007,
      "genre": "Electronic",
      "size": 3209886,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "Synthetic/Synthetic_-_Colorsmoke_EP-20k217-2007(1)/05-Synthetic_-_RedGreenSmokePM20k22khS_64kb.mp3"
  "song": [
      "id": "300000060",
      "parent": "200000002",
      "title": "BrownSmoke",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000002",
      "album": "Colorsmoke EP",
      "artistId": "100000002",
      "artist": "Synthetic",
      "coverArt": "300000060",
      "duration": 304,
      "bitRate": 20,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "userRating": 5,
      "averageRating": 5,
      "track": 4,
      "year": 2007,
      "genre": "Electronic",
      "size": 792375,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "wma",
      "contentType": "audio/x-ms-wma",
      "path": "Synthetic/Synthetic_-_Colorsmoke_EP-20k217-2007/04-Synthetic_-_BrownSmokeYSBM20k22khS.wma"
      "id": "300000055",
      "parent": "200000002",
      "title": "Red&GreenSmoke",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000002",
      "album": "Colorsmoke EP",
      "artistId": "100000002",
      "artist": "Synthetic",
      "coverArt": "300000055",
      "duration": 400,
      "bitRate": 64,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 5,
      "year": 2007,
      "genre": "Electronic",
      "size": 3209886,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "Synthetic/Synthetic_-_Colorsmoke_EP-20k217-2007(1)/05-Synthetic_-_RedGreenSmokePM20k22khS_64kb.mp3"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
song Array of Child No List of songs

67 - user

  "folder": [
  "username": "sindre",
  "email": "sindre@activeobjects.no",
  "scrobblingEnabled": "true",
  "adminRole": "false",
  "settingsRole": "true",
  "downloadRole": "true",
  "uploadRole": "false",
  "playlistRole": "true",
  "coverArtRole": "true",
  "commentRole": "true",
  "podcastRole": "true",
  "streamRole": "true",
  "jukeboxRole": "true",
  "shareRole": "false"
  "folder": [
  "username": "sindre",
  "email": "sindre@activeobjects.no",
  "scrobblingEnabled": "true",
  "adminRole": "false",
  "settingsRole": "true",
  "downloadRole": "true",
  "uploadRole": "false",
  "playlistRole": "true",
  "coverArtRole": "true",
  "commentRole": "true",
  "podcastRole": "true",
  "streamRole": "true",
  "jukeboxRole": "true",
  "shareRole": "false"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
username string Yes Username
scrobblingEnabled boolean Yes Whether scrobling is enabled for the user
maxBitRate int No
adminRole boolean Yes Whether the user is an admin
settingsRole boolean Yes Whether the user is can edit settings
downloadRole boolean Yes Whether the user can download
uploadRole boolean Yes Whether the user can upload
playlistRole boolean Yes Whether the user can create playlists
coverArtRole boolean Yes Whether the user can get cover art
commentRole boolean Yes Whether the user can create comments
podcastRole boolean Yes Whether the user can create/refresh podcasts
streamRole boolean Yes Whether the user can stream
jukeboxRole boolean Yes Whether the user can control the jukebox
shareRole boolean Yes Whether the user can create a stream
videoConversionRole boolean Yes Whether the user can convert videos
avatarLastChanged string No Last time the avatar was changed [ISO 8601]
folder Array of int No Folder ID(s)

68 - users

  "user": [
      "folder": [
      "username": "sindre",
      "email": "sindre@activeobjects.no",
      "scrobblingEnabled": "true",
      "adminRole": "false",
      "settingsRole": "true",
      "downloadRole": "true",
      "uploadRole": "false",
      "playlistRole": "true",
      "coverArtRole": "true",
      "commentRole": "true",
      "podcastRole": "true",
      "streamRole": "true",
      "jukeboxRole": "true",
      "shareRole": "false"
  "user": [
      "folder": [
      "username": "sindre",
      "email": "sindre@activeobjects.no",
      "scrobblingEnabled": "true",
      "adminRole": "false",
      "settingsRole": "true",
      "downloadRole": "true",
      "uploadRole": "false",
      "playlistRole": "true",
      "coverArtRole": "true",
      "commentRole": "true",
      "podcastRole": "true",
      "streamRole": "true",
      "jukeboxRole": "true",
      "shareRole": "false"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
user Array of user No Array of users

69 - videoInfo

Field Type Req. OpenS. Details

70 - videos

Field Type Req. OpenS. Details