An album from ID3 tags.
"id": "ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35",
"name": "8-bit lagerfeuer",
"version": "Deluxe Edition",
"artist": "pornophonique",
"year": 2007,
"coverArt": "al-ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35_640a93a8",
"starred": "2023-03-22T01:51:06Z",
"duration": 1954,
"playCount": 97,
"genre": "Hip-Hop",
"created": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
"artistId": "91c3901ac465b9efc439e4be4270c2b6",
"songCount": 8,
"played": "2023-03-28T00:45:13Z",
"userRating": 4,
"recordLabels": [
"name": "Sony"
"musicBrainzId": "189002e7-3285-4e2e-92a3-7f6c30d407a2",
"genres": [
"name": "Hip-Hop"
"name": "East coast"
"artists": [
"id": "ar-1",
"name": "Artist 1"
"id": "ar-2",
"name": "Artist 2"
"displayArtist": "Artist 1 feat. Artist 2",
"releaseTypes": [
"moods": [
"sortName": "lagerfeuer (8-bit)",
"originalReleaseDate": {
"year": 2001,
"month": 3,
"day": 10
"releaseDate": {
"year": 2001,
"month": 3,
"day": 10
"isCompilation": false,
"explicitStatus": "explicit",
"discTitles": [
"disc": 0,
"title": "Disc 0 title"
"disc": 2,
"title": "Disc 1 title"
"id": "ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35",
"name": "8-bit lagerfeuer",
"artist": "pornophonique",
"year": 2007,
"coverArt": "al-ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35_640a93a8",
"starred": "2023-03-22T01:51:06Z",
"duration": 1954,
"playCount": 97,
"genre": "Hip-Hop",
"created": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
"artistId": "91c3901ac465b9efc439e4be4270c2b6",
"songCount": 8
Field | Type | Req. | OpenS. | Details |
id |
string |
Yes | The id of the album | |
name |
string |
Yes | The album name. | |
version |
string |
No | Yes | The album version name (Remastered, Anniversary Box Set, …). |
artist |
string |
No | Artist name. | |
artistId |
string |
No | The id of the artist | |
coverArt |
string |
No | A covertArt id. | |
songCount |
int |
Yes | Number of songs | |
duration |
int |
Yes | Total duration of the album in seconds | |
playCount |
long |
No | Number of play of the album | |
created |
string |
Yes | Date the album was added. [ISO 8601] | |
starred |
string |
No | Date the album was starred. [ISO 8601] | |
year |
int |
No | The album year | |
genre |
string |
No | The album genre | |
played |
string |
No | Yes | Date the album was last played. [ISO 8601] |
userRating |
int |
No | Yes | The user rating of the album. [1-5] |
recordLabels |
Array of RecordLabel |
No | Yes | The labels producing the album. |
musicBrainzId |
string |
No | Yes | The album MusicBrainzID. |
genres |
Array of ItemGenre |
No | Yes | The list of all genres of the album. |
artists |
Array of ArtistID3 |
No | Yes | The list of all album artists of the album. (Note: Only the required ArtistID3 fields should be returned by default) |
displayArtist |
string |
No | Yes | The single value display artist. |
releaseTypes |
Array of string |
No | Yes | The types of this album release. (Album, Compilation, EP, Remix, …). |
moods |
Array of string |
No | Yes | The list of all moods of the album. |
sortName |
string |
No | Yes | The album sort name. |
originalReleaseDate |
ItemDate |
No | Yes | Date the album was originally released. |
releaseDate |
ItemDate |
No | Yes | Date the specific edition of the album was released. Note: for files using ID3 tags, releaseDate should generally be read from the TDRL tag. Servers that use a different source for this field should document the behavior. |
isCompilation |
boolean |
No | Yes | True if the album is a compilation. |
explicitStatus |
string |
No | Yes | Returns “explicit” if at least one song is explicit, “clean” if no song is explicit and at least one is “clean” else “”. |
discTitles |
Array of DiscTitle |
No | Yes | The list of all disc titles of the album. |
New fields are added:
Note: All OpenSubsonic added fields are optionals. But if a server support a field it must return it with an empty / default value when not present in it’s database so that clients knows what the server supports.
Note: Even if some added fields may looks duplicated, it’s important to still return the legacy data for compatibility reasons.
Last modified February 25, 2025: Add album version to AlbumID3 (#129) (de52efa)