
Album with songs.
  "id": "ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35",
  "name": "8-bit lagerfeuer",
  "version": "Deluxe Edition",
  "artist": "pornophonique",
  "year": 2007,
  "coverArt": "al-ad0f112b6dcf83de5e9cae85d07f0d35_640a93a8",
  "starred": "2023-03-22T01:51:06Z",
  "duration": 1954,
  "playCount": 97,
  "genre": "Hip-Hop",
  "created": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
  "artistId": "91c3901ac465b9efc439e4be4270c2b6",
  "songCount": 8,
  "played": "2023-03-28T00:45:13Z",
  "userRating": 4,
  "recordLabels": [
      "name": "Sony"
  "musicBrainzId": "189002e7-3285-4e2e-92a3-7f6c30d407a2",
  "genres": [
      "name": "Hip-Hop"
      "name": "East coast"
  "artists": [
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      "name": "Artist 1"
      "id": "ar-2",
      "name": "Artist 2"
  "displayArtist": "Artist 1 feat. Artist 2",
  "releaseTypes": [
  "moods": [
  "sortName": "lagerfeuer (8-bit)",
  "originalReleaseDate": {
    "year": 2001,
    "month": 3,
    "day": 10
  "releaseDate": {
    "year": 2001,
    "month": 3,
    "day": 10
  "isCompilation": false,
  "explicitStatus": "explicit",
  "discTitles": [
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      "title": "Disc 0 title"
      "disc": 2,
      "title": "Disc 1 title"
  "song": [
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      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Can I Help U?",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
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      "duration": 103,
      "bitRate": 216,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
      "discNumber": 1,
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      "explicitStatus": "explicit",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
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      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Planetary Picknick",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
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      "duration": 358,
      "bitRate": 238,
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      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
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  "name": "Forget and Remember",
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  "coverArt": "al-200000021",
  "songCount": 20,
  "created": "2021-07-22T02:09:31+00:00",
  "duration": 4248,
  "playCount": 0,
  "artistId": "100000036",
  "artist": "Comfort Fit",
  "year": 2005,
  "genre": "Hip-Hop",
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      "title": "Can I Help U?",
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      "albumId": "200000021",
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      "duration": 103,
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      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
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      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 2,
      "year": 2005,
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      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/2 - Planetary Picknick.mp3"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
id string Yes The id of the album
name string Yes The album name.
version string No Yes The album version name (Remastered, Anniversary Box Set, …).
artist string No Artist name.
artistId string No The id of the artist
coverArt string No A covertArt id.
songCount int Yes Number of songs
duration int Yes Total duration of the album in seconds
playCount long No Number of play of the album
created string Yes Date the album was added. [ISO 8601]
starred string No Date the album was starred. [ISO 8601]
year int No The album year
genre string No The album genre
played string No Yes Date the album was last played. [ISO 8601]
userRating int No Yes The user rating of the album. [1-5]
recordLabels Array of RecordLabel No Yes The labels producing the album.
musicBrainzId string No Yes The album MusicBrainzID.
genres Array of ItemGenre No Yes The list of all genres of the album.
artists Array of ArtistID3 No Yes The list of all album artists of the album.
displayArtist string No Yes The single value display artist.
releaseTypes Array of string No Yes The types of this album release. (Album, Compilation, EP, Remix, …).
moods Array of string No Yes The list of all moods of the album.
sortName string No Yes The album sort name.
originalReleaseDate ItemDate No Yes Date the album was originally released.
releaseDate ItemDate No Yes Date the specific edition of the album was released. Note: for files using ID3 tags, releaseDate should generally be read from the TDRL tag. Servers that use a different source for this field should document the behavior.
isCompilation boolean No Yes True if the album is a compilation.
explicitStatus string No Yes Returns “explicit” if at least one song is explicit, “clean” if no song is explicit and at least one is “clean” else “”.
discTitles Array of DiscTitle No Yes The list of all disc titles of the album.
song Array of Child No The list of songs
Last modified February 25, 2025: Add album version to AlbumID3 (#129) (de52efa)