
  "current": "1234",
  "position": 1000,
  "username": "user",
  "changed": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
  "changedBy": "example client",
  "entry": [
      "id": "1234",
      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Can I Help U?",
      "isDir": false,
      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "1234",
      "duration": 103,
      "bitRate": 216,
      "bitDepth": 16,
      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
  "current": "1234",
  "position": 1000,
  "username": "user",
  "changed": "2023-03-10T02:19:35.784818075Z",
  "changedBy": "example client",
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      "parent": "200000021",
      "title": "Can I Help U?",
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      "isVideo": false,
      "type": "music",
      "albumId": "200000021",
      "album": "Forget and Remember",
      "artistId": "100000036",
      "artist": "Comfort Fit",
      "coverArt": "1234",
      "duration": 103,
      "bitRate": 216,
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      "samplingRate": 44100,
      "channelCount": 2,
      "track": 1,
      "year": 2005,
      "genre": "Hip-Hop",
      "size": 2811819,
      "discNumber": 1,
      "suffix": "mp3",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "path": "user/Comfort Fit/Forget And Remember/1 - Can I Help U?.mp3"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
current string No ID of currently playing track
position long No Position in milliseconds of currently playing track
username string Yes The user this queue belongs to
changed string Yes Date modified [ISO 8601]
changedBy string Yes Name of client app
entry Array of Child No The list of songs in the queue