
Structured lyrics
  "displayArtist": "Muse",
  "displayTitle": "Hysteria",
  "lang": "xxx",
  "offset": -100,
  "synced": true,
  "line": [
      "start": 0,
      "value": "It's bugging me"
      "start": 2000,
      "value": "Grating me"
      "start": 3001,
      "value": "And twisting me around..."
<structuredLyrics displayArtist="Muse" displayTitle="Hysteria" lang="xxx" offset="-100" synced="true">
  <line start="0">It's bugging me</line>
  <line start="2000">Grating me</line>
  <line start="3001">And twisting me around...</line>
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
lang string Yes Yes The lyrics language (ideally ISO 639). If the language is unknown (e.g. lrc file), the server must return und (ISO standard) or xxx (common value for taggers)
synced boolean Yes Yes True if the lyrics are synced, false otherwise
line Array of line Yes Yes The actual lyrics. Ordered by start time (synced) or appearance order (unsynced)
displayArtist string No Yes The artist name to display. This could be the localized name, or any other value
displayTitle string No Yes The title to display. This could be the song title (localized), or any other value
offset number No Yes The offset to apply to all lyrics, in milliseconds. Positive means lyrics appear sooner, negative means later. If not included, the offset must be assumed to be 0

Last modified November 30, 2023: songLyrics extension (#62) (9e9b3df)