
  "code": 40,
  "message": "Wrong username or password"
  "code": 40,
  "message": "Wrong username or password"
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
code int Yes The error code
message string No The optional error message

The following error codes are defined:

Code Description
0 A generic error.
10 Required parameter is missing.
20 Incompatible Subsonic REST protocol version. Client must upgrade.
30 Incompatible Subsonic REST protocol version. Server must upgrade.
40 Wrong username or password.
41 Token authentication not supported for LDAP users.
50 User is not authorized for the given operation.
60 The trial period for the Subsonic server is over. Please upgrade to Subsonic Premium. Visit for details.
70 The requested data was not found.
Last modified April 15, 2023: Fix documentation error (#37) (92f02dd)