
The replay gain data of a song.
    "trackGain": 0.1,
    "albumGain": 1.1,
    "trackPeak": 9.2,
    "albumPeak": 0,
    "baseGain": 0,
    "fallbackGain": -8.1
Does not exist.
Field Type Req. OpenS. Details
trackGain number No Yes The track replay gain value. (In Db)
albumGain number No Yes The album replay gain value. (In Db)
trackPeak number No Yes The track peak value. (Must be positive)
albumPeak number No Yes The album peak value. (Must be positive)
baseGain number No Yes The base gain value. (In Db) (Ogg Opus Output Gain for example)
fallbackGain number No Yes An optional fallback gain that clients should apply when the corresponding gain value is missing. (Can be computed from the tracks or exposed as an user setting.)

Note: If the data is not present the field must be ommited in the answer. (But the replayGain field on Child must always be present)

Last modified October 8, 2023: Expose many new fields to clients (#51) (5f8b101)